Inkie Beard Fluid Animation 2022

Inkie Beard

Virtual space of Aaron Toomey

Tools to make life easier

📅 CSV Wrangler

Making CSVs (and raw SQL output) manageable (via json)

CSV Wrangler is a tool to help manage CSV files (& raw SQL output). It allows you to convert CSV files to JSON for easier manipulation. It also allows you to convert raw SQL output to CSV as well as clean up extra spaces.

Go to CSV Wrangler

🗣️ Text 2 Speech

Use builtin browser text 2 speech on any text

Don't want to read that wall of text? Simply copy paste it into the textbox and hit 'read'. Works on short stories too, tested with a 6k+ word short story.

Go to Text 2 Speech

🗣️ Stream Timer

Mins & seconds countdown rings then gif to get the mood going

Didn't want to spend a bucnh of money on some flashy plugin, simply provide the query params and the time can be used as a browser source in OBS/stremaing program of choice.

Go to Stream Timer

Brain Melts

Ever have that feeling where your brain is melting?
...yeah, me neither.

Autonomous Agents

Exploration of an in-browser game theory AI system for autonomous agents with a variety of higher order functions.

Short Stories

A collection of writings and short stories. Mostly science fiction based with a lean towards the uncanny. Plus plenty of other ramblings about technology, game design, development, future speculation, politics, and much more.

Short Stories Cover

Space exploration game in early early pre-alpha development.